Client Portal

Conectado’s Scotiabank Client Portal is an automated, end-to-end onboarding workflow for international corporate and commercial banking.

About the Project

Conectado’s onboarding is the launch of a digital journey that aligns with the company’s vision and strategy, featuring a centralized platform with self-service, data prepopulation, and document upload capabilities. This streamlined process caters to business and customer needs, ensuring speed and consistency while minimizing risks. It seamlessly integrates with Salesforce and third-party data sources.

The Task

I was brought on board to join the UX team responsible for the initial design of Scotiabank Chile’s platform. My mission was to adapt and enhance it for the Mexican market, ensuring compliance with legal requirements, alignment with the bank’s language, and catering to the needs of bank users. It was also imperative that the design elements and visual assets followed the bank’s guidelines. In order to execute this task effectively, I collaborated closely with my Product Owner to validate my proposals with the development team before entering the production phase.


User Flow’s happy path in Figma


The Process

During the process, our team encountered several usability challenges due to the new requirements from Mexican stakeholders. To meet the Mexican market’s specific needs, we had to adjust our current functionalities. We also improved the document upload functionality to reduce file errors, combined fields to speed up the process, and implemented validation checks to prevent user frustration as well as collapsible sections to facilitate navigation.



Conectado Video Tutorial

Aside from introducing the new client portal, I was also tasked with creating video tutorials that would assist employees in learning how to use the platform’s functionalities.
Find below a 20 sec extract.



Conectado Marketing Video

As for this video, the marketing team asked me to make a video for bank executives explaining how the Conectado platform can help business owners take advantage of its advantages. In the video, you’ll see how the platform’s technical features are gradually explained.
Find below a speed-up version of the video.